Joining a coworking space can prove to be a turning point for your business as you would be exposed to limitless possibilities when you start operating from a coworking space. But there are certain tactics to make the most out of a coworking space. Socializing with your coworking members is one such essential things that you should not miss out while operating from a coworking space. Socializing with your co-workers helps you in your career in several ways. This boosts your communication skills and facilitate in building the trust amongst the like-minded professionals in the concerned workspace. A coworking space is a dynamic place where you have an opportunity to meet people belonging to various domains. This helps in building a healthy relationship with all your coworkers. This healthy professional relationship may yield some really good results for your startup/business either immediately or in the long run.

Every one of us wants to be impactful and influential amongst the community where we work in. In order to achieve the attention of others or to be in the limelight, we often end up overdoing the efforts for socializing and sometimes end up landing in awkward situations. So, here is a guide which tells you what it takes to be exactly social in a coworking space. You have maximum chances of winning over your coworkers and presenting yourself to be a friendly and intelligent individual.

Read on to know more.

  • Keep it simple and silly (KISS rule) All you can do is to greet people around you daily. A simple greeting along with a cheerful smile works wonders. When someone wants to speak to you, you can make yourself available. Also, you should participate in events like group outings and picnics where you have a great opportunity to bond with each other.
  • Making your aura/presence felt– Before you opt to worry about making a great or a bad impression, you surely require creating the first impression. You should necessarily respond when you are asked for a suggestion. You should make it a point to participate in all the public events that are organized in the coworking space. The major key is to get noticed but do not end up overwhelming people with a loud presence. You should also refrain from advising people around you in the coworking space without a reason.
  • Do not bother anyone unnecessarily– You should always keep this in mind that you should not bother any of your coworkers without any rhyme and reason. You need to be extra cautious on this as everyone is annoyed and unnerved by a persuasive coworker.
  • Remembering your coworkers’ names– This is a prevailing human psychology that a person loves her or his name more than anything else in this world. If you want to depict yourself as a warm & friendly person, then you should necessarily try & remember the names of your coworkers and also greet them by their first names in order to leave a charming and positive impression.
  • You should never opt to overdo– The office parties and the social events are a great place for making friends and to bond with each other. You can opt to have a couple of drinks with your coworkers once in a while and loosen up a little. In the process, you should not end up over-drinking.
  • Gossiping in the coworking space about other coworkers– Gossiping is one of the most common ways of bonding with human beings but you should be careful of not gossiping about your coworkers. You should also not discuss the inconveniences which the other people are facing while operating from that concerned coworking space. Gossiping about the other coworkers or complaining about the facilities of the concerned coworking space is not the thing to do in a professional environment. If at all you need to discuss anything of this sort, you should make sure you do this outside the coworking premises and that also with someone you really trust well.
  • Being a good listener– You should ensure to listen to your coworkers first before heading into a conversation. But don’t just listen but also be genuinely interested in the projects that your coworkers are engaged in. You should be very generous in appreciating your coworkers for their achievements and accomplishments.
  • Avoiding to flatter yourself– You might have achieved a lot in your ventures so far but none wants to engage in a conversation with a person for very long who is obsessed about his personal achievements. All you can do is to understand your fellow coworkers and initiate conversations which interest them. You can probably ask a few questions to them regarding their work which would make them feel important.

Socializing in a coworking space has got several direct and indirect benefits. The above tips can help you in socializing effectively in a coworking space. These tips are helpful for everyone who opts to work from a coworking space but especially very helpful for the introverts who face difficulties in socializing spontaneously.

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