Festivals are a time of joy, celebration and camaraderie everywhere. Whether it’s at home, or out on the town with family or friends, festivals are a great time to socialize and meet new people!

Office spaces are no different. While earlier, offices were closed on festivals, more and more workspaces are hosting events for their entire workforce and inviting others as well to take part in the festivities! With the change in workspace trends to more social settings like coworking spaces and membership-based offices, the scope for interacting with others and expanding networks has gone up considerably.

Celebrating festivals has always been a big part of our culture. For festivals like Diwali and Dussehra, communities come together and celebrate in grand style.

Workspaces have always been celebrating festivals, usually by sharing sweets, or having a small party. Now however, the celebrations are more common, and on a larger scale. Events like office parties, pot-luck lunches or dinners and celebrating birthdays are becoming an increasingly common sight in the workspace social calendar.

Its events like these that make interacting with your colleagues a much more social experience, compared to just discussing work. Employers can talk to their employees in a less formal setting, learning their opinions and getting to know them on a more personal basis, colleagues can meet people they haven’t had the opportunity to interact with before and, if an office has multiple branches, people from one location can get to know their colleagues from other cities.

Everything from Christmas and New Year parties, Diwali celebrations and many more festivals are being celebrated at workspaces. The best part? These events are open to everyone, which leads to meeting plenty of new people, forming connections with them and building a network of like-minded people! In coworking spaces, or membership-based offices, these social events help promote entrepreneurship, the exchange of new ideas and adds a creative twist to any social gathering!

There’s so much scope for interaction, celebration and above all, feeling like a part of the community, when workspaces celebrate festivals. Welcome to your new workspace, where your work life and social life collide!

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