Office Space
Quick Start Business in India

Following the initiation of the "Make in India" campaign by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, businesses in India and from abroad…

Dec 1, 2014 Read More
Contact Us - iKeva
Office Space
5 Indian Cities Listed in the World’s Top 10 Least Expensive Office Space Markets

Low office space rentals and high workspace productivity comes from 5 Indian cities which are also ranked among the top…

Nov 4, 2014 Read More
Co-Working Space Kukatpally, Hyderabad
Office Space
Demand for Office Space in India to Grow

Promising hiring trends and now an increasing demand for office space, indicates a positive sentiment among business owners. Real estate…

Oct 28, 2014 Read More
First day at office
Office Space
Crack a first best impression. Facelift your reception!

They say, 'beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder' and this adage fits into myriad aspects of our lives;…

Jun 9, 2014 Read More
beautiful office space
Office Space
Choice of office space can create productivity

"Management is doing things right; Leadership is doing the right things." – Peter F Drucker What Bosses, CEOs, and Entrepreneurs…

May 26, 2014 Read More
people working in a coworking space
Co-working space
Power of consolidation – advantages of using consolidated office space.

As entrepreneurs and responsible managers, we walk with tight pockets and mini budgets to accomplish harder goals and heavier targets…

Mar 21, 2014 Read More
Office Space
Problems entrepreneurs come across while looking for an office space

Entrepreneurship is progressive, right from a venture's inception to its growth and until its stage of sustainability. Mistakes, problems, drifting-apart…

Mar 10, 2014 Read More
Office Space
Serviced office solutions to enhance business through its network

The changing face of business! It was not long ago when the advent of Web 2.0 completely changed the world.…

Feb 18, 2014 Read More
Meeting rooms
My office space enhanced my BRAND

Take a look around! How does your desk and office look today? Is it tidy? Are there any inspiring photos…

Feb 10, 2014 Read More
Office Setup Essentials
Business Center
Office Setup Essentials

First, always the best! "First impression is the best impression," goes the adage. It is apt in today's business world…

Nov 22, 2013 Read More