iKeva’s 10th Birthday Celebrations with Our Members

iKeva's 10th birthday

Memorable. Exciting. Joyous. This is how we would describe the grand celebrations of iKeva’s 10th birthday, with our valued members. All our centers in Hyderabad, Bengaluru and Mumbai reverberated with the sheer enthusiasm and energy of iKeva’s 10th birthday. Our valued members had been enjoying  fun and engaging activities since the past week. But the grand finale of the 10th of March 2023 was a sight to behold. The members let their hair down for a game of Scavenger Hunt where they had to hunt for iKeva logo’s pieces. We took printout of the iKeva logo and cut it into pieces. The pieces were then hidden in the common areas of the respective centers. The members had a field day searching for the missing pieces in record time. The members also made a gift from recyclable items and they surprised us all with best out of waste gift items. The winning team members were given iKeva merchandise as gifts. The grand celebrations were wrapped up with the members gorging on sumptuous snacks and cake. What a memorable and excitement filled event iKeva’s 10th birthday celebration was. A grand wrap up to a grand event.


04:00 pm


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