iKeva is proud to announce that it has celebrated its third birthday. Since operations began in March 2013, iKeva has expanded from a single Center in Banjara Hills, Hyderabad to Bengaluru in February 2014. In 2015, iKeva opened another center in Chennai and later in 2015 iKeva opened its doors to vibrant teams of start-ups, SMEs and multi-national companies. It has been an incredible journey on the path to providing great work environment in productive workspaces for the needs of different business professionals.

The aim of iKeva is to provide workspace solutions with community and member benefits. Whether they are team offices, individual desks, flexi options for intermittent use or workspaces for adhoc needs.

“This has been an idea that we have had long before iKeva was founded. We noticed that businesses with small teams constantly struggle to find productive, cost-effective places to work that also helps create a brand identity. The need for a professional peer group that enriches one’s work-day – to network, to learn, to share and to have fun, is an inherent social need of every human being”, says Monika Misra, Founder and General Manager, iKeva.

iKeva was created with a purpose in mind; to provide hassle-free offices, available instantly, and with diverse network of like-minded professionals.

Since the day we first started operations, it has been an experience filled with learning, meeting new people and witness businesses grow.

On this day, our Third Birthday, we dedicate this to everyone who has made iKeva a place that it is. The iKeva team, in its usual style, marked this milestone with the people that matter the most – the clients/ members that create this work environment. Our team is proud to be a part of this ever growing community, 5000+ members strong and many more to join.

To member with iKeva, we thank you for making iKeva what it is today.

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