Did you know that what we eat has a direct impact on our performance at work?

With a monotonous office routine and untimely eating habits, your mind and body can get exhausted in order to perform optimally.
While a good amount of sleep and some healthy workout does give you that extra push for finishing the week smoothly, what you eat is equally important in order to stay creative & productive at work.
When it comes to nourishing our bodies and brains, it turns out good nutrition involves not only what we eat but also when we eat it!
To most of you, eating right is taken for granted but the truth is that eating a good meal makes a major difference to your day. But you may have also noticed that the day you get your food wrong, your afternoon turns out cranky, distracted and lethargic.
A study by the World Health Organization reveals that consuming the right diet at office increases productivity by at least 20% and exhibits high performance and efficiency levels.

Here are some health tips to make you more productive at work. We call it THE PRODUCTIVITY DIET:

Never Skip Breakfast
Mom was right when she warned against skipping breakfast. It’s a fact that people who eat breakfast are more likely to maintain a healthy weight, eat better later in the day, and stay alert and focused at work.
So be sure you never skip the first meal of the day. Include eggs (contains a fat like B vitamin called choline that enhances memory and reaction time) and Bananas (to help the brain work best with about 25g of glucose circulation in the bloodstream). Even if you are not a breakfast person, at least fill your tummy with some good proteins and fibres. This ensures your mind and body don’t give up as the day progresses. Even a glass of juice, some milk, or fruits does this job well in terms of productivity.

Make good lunch choices
Unhealthy lunch options are tempting because they tend to be cheaper and faster than healthy alternatives. The key is, making your eating decisions before you get terribly hungry at noon. Try eating dark leafy greens to load up with vitamins, minerals and iron. This helps bring more oxygen to the brain and improves learning capacity. So try having lots of salads with almonds, avocado and olives. Whilst eating protein is good, eating meat in excess quantity may hinder productivity. Eating less meat for breakfast and lunch can help you be more productive at work.

Keep a watch on your caffeine
Taking caffeine in the morning, along with breakfast is not a bad idea. However, consuming coffee throughout the day can do a lot of damage to your productivity at work. Even though it seems to be keeping you active and wide awake, consuming a lot of it can dehydrate you, with throbbing headaches. The right way to consume caffeine is to drink small amounts at longer intervals. Never the less, replace your coffee doze with sips of water and see the difference in your productivity.

Dinner after Office
Considering the long siting hours at work, you don’t really release too much energy physically. So try to keep your dinner aligned with your day’s intake. Have a well-balanced meal; ideally rich in Omega-3, protein and vitamin B. Salmon, Brown rice, broccoli, eggplants and fruits are something you should definitely have during dinner. This shall help your mind relax and get a peaceful sleep so you are all ready for the next day!

Follow these easy and important tips to keep your creative juices flowing. At the end, it’s your hard work and attitude towards work which gives out good results but by eating right, you are sure to be more productive than ever before!

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